Species analysis
Statistical exploration
Classification trees
White-tailed Kite
Occurred the most disproportionately in the most westerly hexagons
that had some freshwater habitat. Somewhat less likely in eastern
hexagons with more than 32 mm of June precipitation (hex. med.). The
logistic regression analysis showed positive or negative association
with mixed deciduous forest (Siskiyou Mtns.), elevation (hex. avg.),
number of land cover types, and-to a lesser degree-coastal dunes
and ponds, coastal salt marsh and estuary, and the extent of public
Classification trees
Hexagons: using ONHP land cover classification (accuracy score: 95.81)
Squares: using ONHP land cover classification (accuracy score: 99.21)
Hexagons: using AVHRR land cover classification (accuracy score: 95.81)